Sunday 25 May 2014


So tomorrow, 26th May, is my 23rd birthday. In 24 hours I can no longer sing Taylor Swift's '22' with any truth behind the lyrics, which is sad, however there will be cake so silver linings and all that.
Last night I went out for a meal and a trip to the pub with school friends and a few friends I'd met elsewhere to celebrate my big day. It was a lovely lovely evening and I'm really grateful to all those who turned up, as when I first sent out the invitation I went through a paranoid stage of 'no one's going to come, they're all too busy, what was I thinking' blah blah blah. I feel like I didn't really get chance to catch up with everyone properly and whenever these types of events happen I panic thinking that I've ignored someone, so I hope every else had a good night too. Does anyone else get that 'I'm a bad host' feeling? I'm quite the scatter brain so it could just be me!
What was really special about last night was that the two groups of friends who were there- school and 'other'- had never met before, and yet I watched them all chat and laugh together like they weren't complete strangers at all. Twas heartwarming! And a pretty ace birthday present.
I would also like to take this chance to apologise to Sam for stealing his seat in the pub, I actually feel quite bad for doing so, sorry Sam!
I'm pretty lucky in that the group of friends I belong to are the kind of people who, no matter how long you don't see each other for, when we come together it's just like it was pre university/adult life/real world scariness.
I could go on, but a chicken roast dinner calls.
Thank you again to all who came :)